Welcome to blackhistorymonthscotland.org, the home for Scotland's Black History Month Programme. 


Since 2001, Black History Month in Scotland has grown into the busy and varied month of events that it is today. Rooted in the solidarity of the anti-racist movement, Black History Month encompasses the histories of African, Caribbean and Asian people in Scotland, people who often have a direct link with Scotland through slavery, colonialism and migration. Black History Month is a time to focus on the sacrifices, contributions and achievements of these communities, bringing people together to offer a space for reflection and learning. We also use this month to acknowledge the structural racism and white supremacy of the past, and the ways in which Black people continue to be subject to this violence today.The events aim to promote a greater learning and understanding of the achievements, contributions, and experiences of BME people throughout Scottish history.

In putting the programme together, we were pleased to work with a range of partners from across the community, voluntary and public sectors. Thank you to the organisations and individuals who contributed events for their continued support and for making this year’s programme a huge success.

As October is over, we continue to honour the anti-racist organising at the heart of Black History Month and call for Black History to be more embedded in the narrative of Scottish history, for it to be central to the ways we tell stories about Scotland.

Thank you to anyone that attended Black History Month events this year and we look forward to seeing you again in 2025. In the meantime, don’t wait for next October to roll around, make every month Black History Month!