We will be screening two films from the award winning director Pratibha Parmar and there will be a discussion at the end. Pratibha Parmar first feature film Nina’s Heavenly Delights is an upbeat, queer romantic comedy. It tells the story of Nina, a young South Asian Scottish woman who returns home to Glasgow after the death of her father to run the family restaurant. There she meets Lisa who her father sold 50% of the business to. Will they save the restaurant and get closer along the way? Plus Bhangra Jig (1990): A young Asian woman walks through the city of Glasgow, once the second largest city of the British Empire. Bhangra Jig disrupts dominant notions of European culture and offers new meanings of what constitutes national cultures and identities and of what it means to be Asian, British and European.
Join us for a series of screenings throughout October in collaboration between CRER and the Glasgow Film Theatre.
Price: £6.50