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Scotland, India, Families and Race

Scottish society is currently undergoing an important process of critical reflection on the legacies of racism and associated inequalities arising from the country's heavy involvement in British colonialism. One aspect that has been relatively neglected to date is the impact on Scottish society of the Empire in South Asia. This panel uses the framework of families to consider how issues of mixed-race children and the presence of South Asian child-carers (Ayahs) complicated the boundaries of belonging and of race, and 'whiteness' in eighteenth- to early twentieth century Scotland.

Chair: Zandra Yeaman (Zandra is an anti-racism campaigner and curator of discomfort and the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow)

Andrew Mackillop (Andrew is an historian of early modern Scotland at the University of Glasgow): 'Intimate Racism: East India Company Scots and mixed-race families, c. 1750-c.1820.'

Shasta Ali (Shasta is an anti-racism campaigner and writer exploring race, identity and heritage): 'South Asian Women in 19th- and 20th- century Scotland: Ayahs and their erasure.'

Free event online (Zoom). Book here

October 27

Nevis Communities

October 27

Living Histories of Sugar